48th Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship

fld<U meje;afjk wdishdkq ld¾hj¾Ok ux.,Hh

48 jeks wdishdkq ld¾hj¾Ok Y+r;d ;r.dj,sh fld<U iq.;odi .Dyia: lS‍%vdx.Kfha§   meje;afjkjd' wdishdkq ld¾hj¾Ok Y+r;d ;r.dj,shla YS‍% ,xldfõ meje;afjkafka jir 30lg miqjhs' 

48th Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Championship competition is scheduled to be held in Colombo from June 19 to 22.

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