
Son Accused of Killing and Cooking His Parents

foujqmshka urd uia‌j,g ¨‍Kq oud
jHdxck ilia‌ l< Ök cd;slhd oef,a

;u foujqmshka urd oud Tjqkf.a uia‌ Whd tajd Èjd wdydr fmÜ‌áj, oeuQ hla‌I mqf;l= ms<sn| Ökfhka jd¾;d fõ'fuu l=ßre idyisl l%shdj isÿl< 30 yeúßÈ fykaß fpdahs kï mqoa.,hdo Tyqf.a ñ;=rl= jk 36 yeúßÈ uQka fla kue;s mqoa.,hdo fmd,sia‌ w;awvx.=jg f.k we;'

fuf,i >d;kh lr we;af;a 65 yeúßÈ yd 62 yeúßÈ úhm;a hqj<ls' fï mqoa.,hd ;u foujqmshkaf.a isrere lmd ta uia‌j,g ¨‍Kq oud jHdxck f,i ilia‌ lr we;'

w;awvx.=jg .kq ,enQ fï mqoa.,hd mjid we;af;a udi ;=kl isg fï >d;kh i|yd iQodkï jQ nj;a ñkS uia‌ bùu i|yd fjku Ndck fukau úÿ,s W÷kao Tjqka úiska /f.k ú;a we;'fï >d;kh l< hqj<f.a ysia‌ fol YS;lrKfha ;sî yuq ù we;'

 Murder victims: Chau's parents, Chau Wing-ki, 65, and Siu Yuet-yee, 62, were chopped up and cooked with rice

 The fridges where the heads of Chau's parents were stored being taken away by police investigators

 Police show the weapons used by Chau to kill his parents after he invited them round for dinner