
Peruvian frog juice drinkers laud health benefits

 , Yla;sh j¾Okhg f.ì cQia video

fmarE  jeks rg j, wdydr ixialD;sh ieliS we;s wdldrh wkqj ueähka ^f.ïnka& wdydrhg .ekSu idudkH fohls kuq;a wmf.a rgj, kï ueähka".erçhka jeks i;=ka wdydrhg .ekSu isÿjkafka ke;'

 úfYaIfhka fmarE rfÜ fuu ueçhkaf.ka idok ,o hqI mdkh lsÍug fndfyda fofkl= leue;a;la olajhs' úfYaI;ajh jkafka fï i|yd mK we;s ueçhka Ndú;d lsÍuhs tfia m%dKh iys; ueçhkaf.ka idok ,o hqIuh mdkh ;=,ska ñksidf.a YÍr fi!LHhg fnfyúka iqNOdhl nj Tjqkaf.a u;hhs'  f.ì cQia mdkh ;=,ska   weÿu" w,ilu ", fn,ysk;djh iqjjk nj  fmarE jeishkaf.a úYajdihhs'  

She peels off the skin and drops it into a blender with carrots, the Peruvian maca root and honey.