ysre‚ldg WÉpNS;sldj - Wäka hkak nhhs ¨ '''æ
niakdysr m<d;a iNd uka;%SkS ysre‚ld fma%upkaø fukúhg WÉpNS;sldj ^Acrophobia& we;ehs ish f*ianqla msgqfõ igykla fhdoñka mjid ;sfí'
weh wod, igyk fh§ug fya;=ù we;af;a weh fy<sfldmag¾ hdkhlska nysk PdhdrEmhla f*ianqla msgqj, —ckdêm;sjrhd fy<sfldmag¾j,ska .sh tlg tfrysj àù weâj, fmkS ysáh…m<d;aiNd uka;%SkS ysre‚ld fma%upkaø wo .uka ìuka hkafka fy<sfldmag¾ tflka''˜ hkqfjka igyka lrñka f*ianqla fj; ljqreka fyda uqod yer ;sîu ksidh'
tu PdhdrEmfha isákafka ;ud fkdjk nj;a" ;ud lsis Èkl fy<sfldmagrhlska .uka fkdl< nj;a" tfia hdug fya;=jla fkdue;s nj;a" jvd;a jeo.;a ldrKdj ;udg fy<sfldmagrhl .uka lsÍug fkdyel nj;a" ta ;ud WÉpNS;sldfjka fm,Su nj;a tys jeäÿrg;a oelafõ'
fujeks foa m, lrkafka w{dk mrdð;hka nj;a weh ish igyk wjika lrñka fhdod ;sfí'
bx.%Sisfhka m< lr we;s iïmQ¾K igyk my; m< fõ'
— My dear friends, most of you have this question, if this is me in the picture. I want to say that i have never traveled in a helicopter and have no reason to travel in a helicopter, and most importantly i CANNOT travel in a helicopter because i've got Acrophobia! Haha. So my dear friends , please do not believe what these loosers are posting. They only know to throw mud at people but end of the day they dont realise when they point a finger at others four of them are pointed at them. Stupid loosers!æ˜
ysre‚ld ish f*ianqla msgqfõ wod, igyk m<lr ;snqfKa fufiah'