Gossip Chat With Actress Udayanthi Kulathunga

Gossip Chat With Actress Udayanthi Kulathunga
lõo udj n¢kafka b;sx
ux .ek wdof¾ ysf;kafkaj;a kE oeka ldgj;a"
wehs okafka kE b;sx - Wohka;s l=,;=x.

weh ld,hla‌ È.ska È.gu mqxÑ ;srfhka wmg uqK.eiqKd' kuq;a ;j;a ld,hl§ weh ;u risl risldúhka jf.au l,dfjka mjd ;rula‌ ÿria‌ù isáhd' kuq;a oeka oeka weh kej;;a wmg yuqfjkjd' weh ckm%sh ks<s Wohka;s'

Buddhist Monk threatens Grama Sevaka In Batticaloa

Ampitiye Sumanarathana - Grama Sevaka - Batticaloa
wïmdr ux.,drdu úydrdêm;s ysñ .%dufiajlg wuq isxyf,kau neK j§ æ ^ùäfhda&

uvl,mqj Èia;%slalfha ux.,.u flú,shduvq mq¿l=kdj hk .ïudkj, jdih lrk isxy, ck;djg tu .ïudk w;ayer hk f,ig TNA úiska n,mEï lrk nj mjiñka tu m%foaYj, isxy, ck;dj Bfha oejeka; úfrdaO;djhla meje;ajQjd'

Sri Lankan woman jailed five years in Canada

Sri Lankan woman who conned $5.5M jailed five years
remsh,a fldaá 82 la‌ lekvdjg jxpd l< ,xldfõ ila‌ú;s wla‌ld
jeäfhka wyqfj,d ;sfhkafka lekvdfõ Y%S ,dxlslfhda

weußlka fvd,¾ mkia‌ y;a ,la‍Ihla‌ lshkafka Y%S ,xldfõ uqo,ska remsh,a wiQ fofldaá mkia‌ ,la‍Ihla‌ yd iudk uqo,la‌' lekvdfõ Ôj;a jk jeishka msßilf.ka fï by; jákdlu yd iudk uqo,la‌ wjqreoaog 60] fmd,shg Khg wrka fmd,a, ;sh,d ysf¾ .sh isxy, ldka;djla‌ .ek miq.shod lekvdj weußldj iy ,;ska weußldkq rgj, úYd, jYfhka m%pdrh jQy' fï l;dj weh .ekhs'

Most Powerful speech by Mr Dhammika Perera

Most Powerful speech by Mr Dhammika Perera
Ôú;h ÈkQ yeá fy<s l< ,xldfõ f,dl=u i,a,sldrhdf.a l;dj

ñksia Ôú;h b;du wNsfhda.d;aul tlla nj wuq;=fjka lsj hq;= ke;' fuu wNsfhda.d;aul iajNdjh ksid ñksia iudch ;=< hï hï wjia:d ysñlr .ekSu i|yd ;sfnkafka ksrka;r ;r.hls' tu ;r.h fl;rï W.% tlla oehs wmg fï iudch ksÍlaIKh lrk l< f;areï .; yelsh' tfy;a fï ;r.fha ÿjk fndfyda fokd ish b,lal u. oud k;r fj;s' iuyre y;s ,d jefg;s' tfy;a b,lalhla imqrd .kakd f;la ;u .uk k;r fkdlrk wh wmg yuqjkafka l,d;=rlsks'

Special screening of Film Sarigama

 Sarigama Film Preview Show
Pix by Brothers' Mint Photography
Special screening of Film Sarigama - සරිගම by Dr.Somarathna Somaratne Dissanayake was held at Sri Lanka Films Corporation along with guests and Media Agents.

Attacking Disabled soldiers : PM Promises to Sack Cops

ranil wickremesinghe
wdndê; rKúrejkag myr ÿka fmd,sia‌ ks,OdÍka fodÜ‌g
- w.ue;s md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ lshhs

ckdêm;s f,alï ld¾hd,h wi,§ wdndê; rKúrejkag myr ÿka fmd,sia‌ ks,OdÍka isà kï Tjqka bj;a lsÍu flfrys wjOdkh fhduqlrk nj w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ Bfha ^11 od& lSfõh'

úY%du jegqm b,a,d Woaf>daIKh l< wdndê; rKúrejka msßilg ckdêm;s f,alï ld¾hd,h wi,§ fmd,sish úiska myr ÿka nj mjiñka taldnoaO úmla‍Ifha kdhl ÈfkaIa .=Kj¾Ok uy;d md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ ia‌:djr ksfhda. hgf;a l< úfYaI m%ldYhg ms<s;=re ÿka w.ue;s rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d fufia o lSh'

Derana music video awards 2015

Derana music video awards 2015
Derana music video awards 2015
Anuradha Tharanga Photography

Ruhunu Campus Makes diesel Using Coconut scraps

Ruhunu Campus Makes diesel Using algae and coconut scraps
reyqKq iriù isiqka bj;,k fmd,al=vq yd we,a.Sj,ska ãi,a ksmojhs -^PdhdrEm&

Y%S ,xldfõ n,Yla;s w¾nqohg úi÷ula jYfhka bj;,k fmd,a l=vq yd we,a .S fhdodf.k ãi,a ksmo ùug reyqK úYajúoHd,fha udm,dk lDIs úoHd mSGfha lDIs bxðfkare wOHkdxYfha m¾fhaIK lKavdhula iu;aj ;sfí'

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